Best Practices Cumulocity IoT Domain model design

IoT Developers Jul 20, 2023, 12:00 – 1:00 PM

Virtual event
Cumulocity IoT

About this event

IoT solution development always involves a domain model. When not well-defined this often leads to issues where it needs costly adapted later on. In this event we will show best practices in domain model design for Cumulocity IoT incl. examples which should help you in your solution development process.

The following topics will be covered:

  1. Why a domain model is important?
  2. How to design a good domain model?
  3. How to store application data?
  4. Make clever use of the query language
  5. Q&A


  • Stefan Witschel

    Software AG

    Developer Ecosystem Manager - IoT


  • Stefan Witschel

    Software AG

    Ecosystem Manager, IoT & Analytics

  • Robert Diawara

    Software AG

    Community Manager

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